Dental Care for EU/EEA Nationals

If you are an EU/EEA or UK national and are traveling or living temporarily in Hannover or elsewhere in Germany, you are entitled to receive dental care in case of emergency treatment for toothache or acute dental pain.

It is strongly recommended to carry a valid European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) or a UK Global Health Insurance Card (GHIC) and an ID card, as you may be charged for dental treatment without them.

The EHIC and GHIC, issued free of charge in your home country, allows anyone insured by or covered under a statutory social security scheme in EEA countries and Switzerland to receive medical emergency treatment either for free or at a reduced cost.

Please note that if you are coming to Germany for planned treatment, you must make arrangements in advance. Planned treatments are not covered by the EHIC or GHIC.

In case you don`t have the EHIC a so called please provide a Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC).

The Provisional Replacement Certificate (PRC) is issued by the health insurance provider in the visitor’s home country.

Germany: Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte (EHIC)
UK: European Health Insurance Card (EHIC)
French: Carte européenne d’assurance maladie (CEAM)
Spain: Tarjeta Sanitaria Europea (TSE)

Bulgaria: Европейска здравноосигурителна карта (ЕЗОК)
Denmark: Forelægger et europæisk sygesikringskort (EHIC)
Greek: ευρωπαϊκή κάρτα ασφάλισης ασθένειας (EΚΑΑ)
Italy: Tessera Europea di Assicurazione Malattia (TEAM)
Croatia: Europsku karticu zdravstvenog osiguranja (EHIC)
Netherlands: Europese gezondheidskaart (EHIC-pas)
Poland: Europejską Kartą Ubezpieczenia Zdrowotnego (EKUZ)
Romania: Card european de asigurări sociale de sănătate (CEASS)
Chechia Evropského průkazu zdravotního pojištění (EHIC)
Hungary: Európai Egészségbiztosítási Kártyával (EHIC)

[Total: 6 Average: 4.2]