Foreign Students in Hannover Seeking Dental Treatment

If  you are a foreign student studying in Hannover and need dental treatment please consider following information.

In the event you have a German public insurance plan (Krankenkasse like TK, AOK, DAK, GEK, Barmer, etc.) this will cover most of the common dental procedures like fillings (copayment is necessary),  x-rays, surgery, consultation, extractions, root canals (copayment is necessary), etc.  Please present proof of coverage (Versichertenkarte) at your initial visit and every further appointment.

Many students are covered by a private student dental care plan like MAWISTA, DR-WALTER or EDUCARE24. Please consider that most of the student dental care plans offer just basic coverage and have a maximal limit (cap) for the reimbursement, thus you will have to pay our office at the time of the treatment and fill the claim and wait for reimbursement from your student dental care plan.

Payment is expected at the time services are performed. For your convenience we accept cash, Maestro EC Card and major credit cards. When more extensive dental care is necessary, financial arrangements can be made with our office.

Good to know
The typical student private plan includes limitations and exclusions and/or various degrees of co-payment, meaning the plan does not cover every aspect of dental care. These limitations and exclusions are carefully detailed in your plan booklet and warrant your attention. Please take the time to review the plan benefit information thoroughly for specific information so we may best serve you.

[Total: 2 Average: 4.5]