Paying For Treatment

If you have a German public insurance (e.g. AOK, TK, BKK, Barmer GEK, etc.) and an insurance card you won`t have to pay anything for most of the dental procedures.
For patients without a german insurace plan or for those who receive dental procedures not covered by the german public insurance the office policy is “payment is required at the time of treatment”. Please come prepared to pay your portion owing at the time of treatment.
For your convenience we accept cash, Maestro ATM card and major credit cards. Of course you will receive from us a valid bill of charge.

In the event that certain dental procedures are not being coverd by your public German insurance plan we will inform you in advance and give you a pre-treatment estimate for the forthcoming treatment.


If you have your temporary or permanent residence in Germany and have a german public or private dental plan you may be eligible to get access to an extended payment target on account and to our financing plans. This include monthly payments with no interest in case you wish dental treatment which is not covered by your dental plan.

[Total: 4 Average: 3]