Sunflex Partials


Sunflex® flexible partial dentures are a great alternative to other acrylic partials


As you are well aware, not everyone needs a full set of permanent dentures. A dental bridge can fill a gap created by one or more missing teeth. Removable partial dentures are another lightweight, affordable option for replacing missing teeth.Sunflex partial dentures are manufactured using a pressure-injected, flexible resin. The resin is made of a biocompatible thermoplastic nylon with unique physical and esthetic properties. The material is produced to remain translucent after processing, with a simulation of natural gum color and is available in several different tones, ranging from light pink to darker pink shades.

There are three basic types of Sunflex® partial dentures:

  • Sunflex Bilateral Partial Denture: The metal-free, flexible Sunflex partial provides a fully-functional, yet esthetically superior, removable partial denture
  • Sunflex Unilateral Partial Denture: The unilateral Sunflex restoration provides patients with an esthetic, functional design alternative to conventional cross-arch partial dentures. Base combined with the thin clasp designs provide maximum retention, stability and esthetic appeal
  • Combination Sunflex with Cast Framework Denture: The Sunflex partial denture can also be used with cast metal frameworks for natural-appearing esthetics with enhanced stability because of the metal occlusal rests and the lingual rest seats.



The pros of the Sunflex® partials:

  • High degree of flexibility and aesthetics
  • No need for metal clasps
  • More stain-resistant that other type of acrylic dentures
  • Will not warp or become brittle
  • Perfect for patients with acrylic (PMMA) monomer allergies
  • Easy to manufacture-requires just one impression appointment


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Sunflex® is a registered trademark of Sun Dental Labs, FL-33713, USA